Article directory submission is the process of submitting articles related to the website topic containing the website link into online article directories. An online article directory is a directory that compiles a collection of articles written about different subjects. The reason article writing and submission is so important to search engine rank is that it is perceived by visitors as general information not marketing or advertising material. Visitors find it more credible...

Manual search engine submission refers to Manually submitting a website to search engines so that the pages on this web site can be indexed by search engines for visitors to be able to find this site. It is very important to submit any web site to the main search engines and others not just to Google because Bing, Yahoo and MSN still get millions of visitors so do many more less...

One Way Links are links that point to any given webpage from another page not on the same website. It also means that the page which has the link pointing to it doesn't point back to that external link. The reason One Way Links are so important for link building and Off-page Optimization is because search engines view these One Way Links as a form of vote...

On-page Optimization is defined as all the activities that take place on the webpage itself. These include but are not limited to choosing the right domain name, writing rich and relevant website content, choosing the right keywords and utilizing the right tactics to highlight theses keywords in the...

Off-page Optimization covers all the activities that take place on other pages away from the given website page. This includes optimizing any webpage not through the website itself but rather through links pointing to the website such as backlinks or what are often called one way backlinks. Prior to doing Off-page Optimization, Markeona's SEO specialists put a great amount...