November 2013

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), or Cost Per Click, is one of the strongest and most effective types of online advertising. It is designed in a way that the advertiser would only pay once the viewer actually Clicks on the ad as opposed to the Pay Per Impression (CPM) ads which would charge the advertiser for...

Markeona's offering for advertising services includes a select choice of the most commonly needed advertising tools and methods used in today's modern world. Advertising is no longer restricted to television ads, radio ads and newspaper ads, there is now a whole new world of instantaneous, cost effective and creative modern advertising methods. Markeona's advertising services focus on the smart, low cost advertising channels...

Online advertising, also often called internet advertising is a relatively new form of advertising that uses the internet to communicate promotional messages to the prospective customers. Channels for Online advertising include social media marketing, website banner advertising and search engine advertising. The most common types of ads include Pay Per Click ads (PPC), Pay Per Impression ads (CPM), pop up ads and banners. The service of Online  advertising manages online ads by ensuring the...

Brand management is a process which creates a relationship between the brand's products and/or services and the targeted market audience composed of customers and prospective customers. The ultimate goal for brand management is to build brand loyalty through customer satisfaction. Brand management covers the tangible elements of the brand's products and/or services manifested in the actual quality, look, feel and...

Rebranding involves creating a new brand identity for a company's existing brand, product or service. It is often made to reposition the brand in the market with the goal of upgrading the brand's image and moving it up the market. Another reason for rebranding is getting rid of an undesirable image associated with the initial branding in the...